Monitoring & Evaluation
At Felix we believe that robust monitoring & evaluation (M&E) systems are vital for the delivery of successful development programmes. We have invested significantly in developing strong in-house M&E expertise, complemented by an impressive pool of trusted and highly-experienced M&E consultants.
Our team have a proven track record of developing and operating innovative and effective M&E systems, often at the cutting edge of industry thought and practice. Our approach is to build M&E systems that are capable of robustly capturing and reporting (or proving) impact and that consequently support better performance and decision making by management (improving impact).
Our M&E team has worked across the spectrum of relief and development programmes, with a range of different donors. We have worked at all levels, from activity monitoring to programme mid & final evaluations and have successfully delivered a diverse range of M&E functions including:
- Designing and managing M&E systems,
- Delivering M&E training seminars and undertaking M&E audits and independent evaluations.
- Development of rigorous monitoring frameworks
- Undertaking programme impact evaluations
- Undertaking programs’ indicators and baseline studies
- Conflict sensitivity analysis
- Tracking of implementation progress and deliverables
- Development of data collection processes and tools
- Baseline, Mid & final project’s evaluations